Thursday, January 19, 2017

Critiquing Betsy Devos' confirmation hearing

Betsy Devos, President-elect Trump's pick for secretary of education, may have proven herself unprepared for the position after her confirmation hearing Tuesday. 

During the hearing Tuesday, Devos seemed to show that she didn't have any prior knowledge of the department that she was going to head. One of her long standing opinions regarding education is her support of school choice, which seemed to sum up her total experience with education as a whole.  

Devos is not only one of the most wealthy members of President-elect Trump’s cabinet, but she is also a well-known republican activist in her home state of Michigan and she showed Tuesday that she either doesn’t support or has no prior knowledge of the things that come with being the secretary of education.

One of those things being student loans which the U.S. has about $1.26 trillion dollars in student loan debt.

As a college student, it is scary to think that to have some like Betsy Devos, who has no prior knowledge of basic education terms, could be running the education system of the entire country. The United States is low on the totem pole when it comes to education and if Tuesday night is anything to go by, Betsy Devos might just put us down lower. 

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